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[Top 5] Hardest countries to get a visa

[Top 5] Hardest countries to get a visa
kim jong un

There are many countries in the world where it is very easy to get going but there are counties in the world where it is very difficult for any person to go. Because visas are not easily granted to go to these countries and here, before giving a visa to any person, a good check is done. In this blog i will tell you about 5 such countries in the world, which is definitely not easy for any person to go to.

Top 5 Hardest countries to get a visa 

1. North Korea

[Top 5] Hardest countries to get a visa
North Korea

- Friends is at number 1 North Korea , North Korea is one of the countries in the world with which many countries in the world have very poor relations. that is why it is not easy to allow people from any country to go here.

2.Saudi Arabia

[Top 5] Hardest countries to get a visa
Saudi Arabia 

-Similarly, in number 2, Saudi Arabia, almost every Muslim has a dream to visit Saudi Arabia at least once in his life. This is why very few people are grated visas, even after getting a visa, non-Muslims are not allowed to visit many cities of this country.


[Top 5] Hardest countries to get a visa

-until a few years ago the relations of Western countries with Iran were very poor, very few people were allowed to visit this country. To ensure that no foreigner spies on Iran, the Iranian government strictly examines every citizen who comes here while granting a visa.


[Top 5] Hardest countries to get a visa

-Similarly, China is at number 4 of our list, because of China being a communist country, its government does not allow people from outside countries to come to this country and spread their influence on anything. This is the reason that almost every citizen who goes here is examined very strictly.

5.United State of America (USA)

[Top 5] Hardest countries to get a visa

-The attack in 2001 is making it difficult for anyone to gt a US visa. The government here checks the people very well before giving them a visa to go. America is a powerful nation in the world and many people in this country go for employment too. And many people of the world want to live in this country, they are very influenced by the culture of this country, that is why the visa of this country is not easily available.

[Top 5] Hardest countries to get a visa [Top 5] Hardest countries to get a visa Reviewed by Tilak Shrestha on September 06, 2019 Rating: 5

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