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10 Interesting Facts About South Africa

10 Interesting Facts About South Africa
South Africa 

South Africa, whose official name is the republic of South Africa, usually has only one capital in all countries, but in this country there are three capitals. In addition, there are eleven official languages ​​in the country, which is why this country is also known as rainbow nation. South Africa is the only country on the African continent, where most white people live.

10 Interesting Facts About South Africa 

  1. With a population of over 55 million, this country is number 24 in the world by population.
  2. One in every 5 people in South Africa is infected with HIV AIDS, the highest rate in the world.
  3. Drinking water in South Africa ranks third in the world in terms of purity.
  4. The train that runs in this country is known as the most unique and modern train in the world.
  5. There are more than 2000 ship remains of over 500 years old on the sea coast of this country.
  6. According to people, the table mountain in Cape Town, South Africa, is one of the oldest mountains in the world.
  7. In many parts of South Africa, there is still a tradition of giving cows as married dowry.
  8. In a country there are only deserts, in any country there are forests, but in South Africa, there are deserts, forests, lakes, mountains.
  9. South Africa is the only country in the world to have played all three World Cups rugby, cricket and football.
  10. There are nine Nobel Prize winners in the country so far, including Nelson Mandela.

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10 Interesting Facts About South Africa 10 Interesting Facts About South Africa Reviewed by Tilak Shrestha on August 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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